The GemTM avocado tree is characterized by its semi-compact and vase-shaped form, making it an ideal choice for small gardens. Gem avocados are celebrated for their exceptional richness and creaminess, boasting a delicious flavor and texture that delights the palate. Notably, GemTM avocados do not ripen on the tree; instead, they darken as they mature, while the lenticels maintain their golden hue. This variety exhibits good fruit production and consistent bearing, with the fruit growing primarily in clusters within the interior, shielded by the foliage. Each fruit typically weighs between 7 to 11 ounces. At maturity, GemTM avocado trees reach heights of 10 to 12 feet and widths of 10 feet, offering a manageable size for home cultivation. Harvest time spans from mid-spring through early fall, providing an extended period to enjoy the bountiful yields of these delectable avocados.Type A flowers.